Have a great idea but not sure how to make it move?
I wonder how many ideas happen that never get had? What a terrible fate. Over here there are creative collaborators just itching to make your idea happen. Together, we can analyze the factors, the audience, and opportunities you're facing, create an action plan, and get your story into the world effectively.
Our team of creative collaborators can flex with your project's needs. Talent is meant to be shared and when people are utilized within their best wheelhouse, everybody benefits. Here are some of the talented people I work with.
Tammy Nelson–brand voice strategy & messaging, writer. Whipsmart Content
Becky MacPherson–social media strategy and copywriting
Amanda Engel–web marketing & development: Defined Digital
CASE STUDY: College Knowledge Materials (with an update!)
UPDATE: Four years later, it was successful enough, that the Washington Student Achievement Council, a state agency took up the help to produce an updated version. It's going to be out in the world very shortly, and it was a pleasure working with the new team to make it happen.
My client had a fantastic idea. They had collaborated across agencies, cross-referenced the universe and came up with EVERYTHING a kid in Washington State should need to know in order to try and go to college. And that's where we began. We started with the kids. Washington College Access Network conducted several comprehensive state-wide focus groups of kids in grades 9-12 to find out what they want, what they like to look at, and how they feel about receiving materials.
Long story short, we ended up here with an entire book of College Knowledge materials.
Printers and budgets and kids...oh my! The work is ongoing and I'm excited to see what they do next.
Here's just a little bit of the whole banana.

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